AmigaOS3.5 (269/967)

From:Kilian Lenz
Date:8 May 2000 at 07:21:25
Subject:Re: Amiga OS 3.5 and Picasso II

On Sun, 7 May 2000, Derek Lawson wrote:

> I am still having trouble getting OS 3.5 to run with an original 1mb
> Picasso II card. First I will give you my system specs.
> Amiga 2000
> 3.1 romset
> 2mb chip ram with DKB Megachip
> 14mb fast ram on GVP A4008 SCSI controller card
> 500mb Quantum SCSI drive
> 1mb Picasso II
> Derringer '030 accelerator with no FPU running at 40htz
> 8x SCSI CD-drive
> Commodore A2320 (I think) flicker-fixer/doubler
> I loaded 3.1 from disks. I loaded AsimCDFS drivers. I loaded 3.5 over
> 3.1. I then loaded Picasso96 from the OS 3.5 cd. Doesn't work.
> I had the Picasso card working under 3.1 in segmented mode. Picasso96
> would not install in segmented mode. It recognized the card correctly
> and informed me that it would not work in segmented mode. I removed the
> jumper for segmentation and installed the software. Ironically, when I
> boot holding both mouse buttons down and check cards, the Picasso comes
> up defective with segmentation jumper off. When I put the jumper on, it
> reports that the card is working correctly.
That sounds bad to me. I am using an A2000 with PicassoII and OS3.5 too,
and it works. I'm using Picasso96 version 2.0.
Well, install the Picasso card in the first slot, just beneath the
The remove all Picasso96 files:
-the monitorfile in devs:monitors
-the picasso96setting in devs:
-the picassolibs in libs:picasso96
-the env-variables in envarc:picasso96
-the Picasso96-directory in sys:picasso96 ??

The download the newest Picasso96.lha (I think its 2.0) from AMINET.
Install it, and it should work, if your card is OK.

> Anyone who may have any information on the setup and configuration of a
> Picasso II card, please get in touch.
> ....otherwise, I'm about two steps from parting out my beloved Amiga,
> and buying a Pentium III processor.
Hope, that will not!

> Thanks in advance.

regards Kilian Lenz


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